Friday, April 29, 2016

Learning Targets and Class Updates

Upcoming Dates
Friday May 13 - Field Day.  Students need to wear comfortable clothes that they can wear while running outside.

Saturday, May 21 - Teasley Musical

Tuesday, May 24 - Early Release @ 12:30

Wednesday, May 25 - Last Day of School for Students - Early Release @ 12:30

Math and Social Studies
Learning Targets
Math - We are currently working on elapsed time, which has proven to be very challenging for students.  Today, students brought home their test that they took today.  A blank copy of this test, with answers, is located here.  Students did not do as well as planned on this test because they were not following the directions, and focusing on what each specific question asked.  Please review this information with your child this weekend.  The grade that was sent home, will NOT be put into the grade book.  Instead, there will be a retake on Monday.  This test on Monday, will be in the same format, but will come with different movie times and lengths.

Social Studies - We are currently working on westward expansion.  As we look at westward expansion, I have noticed that our students have a varying degree of understanding related to the location of the 50 states.  For this reason, we are also going to focus on map skills in the upcoming weeks.  Students will take a "map quiz" each Friday, to build their understanding of the 50 states.  There are many resources found under resources by subject area -> social studies-> map skills located on the right side of my blog.  Here is the blank map students will get each Friday.  Students will need to review this material each night for about 5 minutes.  

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Limerick Poems Flipped Classroom

Limerick Flipped Classroom.  Please take notes on the following and bring your notes to class.

Limerick Practice
Learning Limericks

Elapsed Time
Try each of these links, to see if you can determine the elapsed time using a number line or a t-chart.

Studyzone - word problems

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Flipped Classroom - Couplets/Triplets

Tonight, you will watch videos, and take notes about Couplets and Triplets.  These are two different types of poems, that are very similar.  Please make sure that you take thorough notes, so that you can teach the class tomorrow about couplets and triplets.  More importantly, make sure you understand how to write your own poem in these styles.  Bring an example of a couplet or triplet to class tomorrow.

Monday, April 11, 2016

similes and metaphors

Today we reviewed Similes and Metaphors in writing.  Tonight, students will identify similes and metaphors in popular songs.  They may use the video below to help them with appropriate songs.

Here is a prezi that will remind students what similes and metaphors are.

Find at least 1 simile and 1 metaphors in music.  Record the simile or metaphor on your paper, tell what two things are being compared and what the meaning of the simile or metaphor is. Use the video below if needed!