Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Water Cycle Song (to the tune of Old McDonald)

Good Evening,

For the past two weeks, we have been working very hard in class learning about the water cycle.  We have even learned a song, and the students want you to see it and sing along with them. Enjoy!

The Water Cycle Song
The water cycle has many parts, these are the parts I know
Precipitation water falls
rain, sleet, or snow
with a drop, drop here and a drop, drop there
here a drop, there a drop, everywhere a drop, drop

The water cycle has many parts, these are the parts I know
Accumulation water flows
as bodies start to grow
with a puddle here, and a puddle there,
here a puddle, there a puddle, everywhere a puddle, puddle

The water cycle has many parts, these are the parts I know
Evaporation liquid to gas
water rises from below
water vapor here, and water vapor there
water vapor, water vapor, everywhere there's water vapor

The water cycle has many parts, these are the parts I know
Condensation forms the clouds
droplets start to grow
Rain clouds here, and there's rain clouds there
rain clouds, rain clouds everywhere there's rain clouds

The water cycle has many parts, these are the parts I know

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