Friday, March 18, 2016

Learning Targets and Ecosystems Resources

Learning Targets For Next Week

Milestones are only 12 instructional days away!  Please begin reviewing with your child at home, to help better prepare them for the test.  There is a GA Milestone 4th grade study guide located on the right hand side of my blog.  I also posted a "helpful testing strategies" blog post a few days ago, so please scroll down to learn some awesome strategies for your child!

Next week, we will continue to analyze our short stories using theme and the 5 story elements.  We will also begin reviewing for the upcoming milestone tests which includes building stamina.  Students will begin to do a lot of independent reading at their seat to help prepare them for the long tests.

In math, we have started working on geometry.  More specifically, we are looking at lines, points, rays, line segments, types of lines (perpendicular, intersecting, parallel), and angles.  Next week, we will begin using protractors to measure angles.  This is a HARD task for students.  It is important that students get a lot of practice measuring angles with a protractor and reading the protractor.  If you can, please purchase a protractor for your child, and help them to better understand measuring angles at home as we also work on it here in school.

Similarly to reading, writing will not change this week.  We are working on a literary essay unit, and students are having a hard time with this.  The hardest part for most students is figuring our what the message is from the story.  We have talking about theme and symbolism in-order to help them with this area of their thesis.  By Tuesday, all students will have their graphic organizers finished, and they will begin a fun literary essay project using their short stories and graphic organizers.  More updates to come.

We have finished up our unit on solar systems, and we are no moving into ecosystems.  Students have done some reading from the textbook this week, and we will continue to work on this topic over the next few weeks.  Test date is still to be determined.

Life Science
S4L1. Students will describe the roles of organisms and the flow of energy within an ecosystem.
a. Identify the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers in a community.
b. Demonstrate the flow of energy through a food web/food chain beginning with sunlight and including producers, consumers, and decomposers.
c. Predict how changes in the environment would affect a community (ecosystem) of organisms.
d. Predict effects on a population if some of the plants or animals in the community are scarce or if there are too many.

S4L2. Students will identify factors that affect the survival or extinction of organisms such as adaptation, variation of behaviors (hibernation), and external features (camouflage and protection).
a. Identify external features of organisms that allow them to survive or reproduce better than organisms that do not have these features (for example: camouflage, use of hibernation, protection, etc.).
b. Identify factors that may have led to the extinction of some organisms.

Here is the webquest we completed in class

Ecosystem Song

Ecosystem Links




Deciduous Forest

Tropical Rain forest
Rainforest-Kids Do Ecology
15 Facts About Rain forests

Desert-Kids Do Ecology
Facts About Deserts

Grasslands-Kids Do Ecology

Marine-Kids Do Ecology
Ocean and Marine Life

Food Chain

Food Chain Game
Parts of the Food Chain
Another Link in the Food Chain


The Truth About Adaptations
Fun Interactive Adaptation Site With Games

A Note From PTA


The week of March 28th is Teacher Appreciation Week at Teasley Elementary. PTA is working to plan a special week of events for the teachers and staff at Teasley. In order to make this week a success, we need your help! 

- We are asking that you let your child's teachers, including specialists and staff, know how much you appreciate them by sending in special notes or cards on Tuesday, March 29th.*  In addition, this year we are assigning each class a specialist and ask that all students in the class make or bring a card for that specialist. Please see the list below for your specialist.

- We are also planning to hold a raffle with various prizes for the teachers and staff and we are asking for the help of families and local businesses. If you, your employer or a local business that you frequent is willing to donate a gift card ($25 suggested, but any amount is appreciated), please send it in an envelope addressed to PTA by next Friday, March 25th. All of the donated gift cards will be raffled to teachers and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week.

- Finally, we'll be looking for donations of tea, lemonade, cookies etc. for the Teacher's luncheon. Please use this link to sign-up-

Thanks for your support!
Teasley PTA Hospitality Committee

*Cards for Specialists on Tuesday, March 29th
Ms. Brooks (Art)- Bates, Cook, Fore, Gooden
Ms. Crosby (Media Specialist)- Alongi, Bunch, Davis (1st), Wager
Ms. Harris (Counselor)- Fincham, Forrest, Moore, Schuetze
Ms. Hogan (Media Clerk)-, Gresham, Hall, Nichols, Rabinovich
Ms. Knight (Math)- Davis (K), Hiles, Nash, Washington
Mr. Mainor (PE) - Geiger, Thomson, Hillsman, Bixler
Ms. Mungin (Music)- Couvillion, Killimett, Kraftschik, Qualls
Ms. Oliver (Counselor)- Beason, Boeck, Braswell, King
Ms. Smith (Nurse)- Burley, Stewart
Ms. Sumners (Science)- Kim, Lubniewski, Moloney, Padron
Ms. Tepp/Ms. Young (PE paraprofessionals)- Rice, Sellers

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