Monday, August 1, 2016

First Day of School

Hi Students and Parents! We just completed our first day of 4th grade and I'm so excited to have each of you in my class this year!  Here are a couple of notes from today:

  •  Students are coming home with a folder from Cobb County that hasA LOT of information that needs to be filled out and returned to school.  There is a checklist stapled to the front of the folder and all paperwork needs to be returned by Friday, August 5th.
  • Students have homework today, which includes signing up for our edmodo group, and exploring spellingcity.  Please make sure that students only create one login for edmodo.  They will use the same information to login each time.  Also, please remind your child that Edmodo is NOT a site for social conversations.  It is strictly for educational purposes.  If students create more then one account, or if they post social things like "how are you today?" or "I miss you already." They will be removed from my group.  This is to make sure that everything is appropriate for school.
  • If you havent done so already, please fill out this google form,, which includes important information about you and your child.  This will make it easy for me to contact you when needed, since all of the necessary information will be in one place.
  • Also, If you haven't joined my remind group, please do so by following this link, .  Remind is a safe way for me to communicate with parents, and it also allows me to send out quick reminders of upcoming events, that will go directly to your phone.
  • We will start setting up our interactive journals tomorrow, so if you were unable to bring in the composition notebooks today, please bring them in no later than Tomorrow.
  • We have Music tomorrow
I hope you all had as much fun today as I did! See you bright and early tomorrow!

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