Friday, April 28, 2017

Behavior Expectations and Field Day

Dear Parents,

          The past two weeks, students have had a horribly difficult time following the expectations and directions.  Due to the inability to follow directions, students have missed out on both learning opportunities and some of their recess time.  Recess has not been taking away, but it has taken students 10+ minutes to line up correctly, which cuts into our time outside.  Please talk with your child about the expectations, and how to follow the rules.  With that, it is important that you also make sure that your students understand the importance of being kind to one another. 

          With the year coming to a close, and due to recent events during a fire drill, and behavior in the classroom, cafeteria, and specials, students must now earn the privilege to participate in field day.  If students have to be talked to individually 2 times about following the rules in the school between now and May 12th, they will not participate in part, or all, of field day per my request and the specific behaviors displayed in school.  I feel that it is important for students to understand the importance of following the expectations, and that there are consequences for not following the rules.  If you have any questions about this, please let me know. 


Ms. Kraftschik

**P.S. A think sheet that is sent home, and not returned the following day with a signature, will count as 2 warnings.

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