Monday, February 27, 2017

Field Day T-Shirts

Dear Parents,

I have some VERY exciting news about field day.  This year for field day, we will be ordering class t-shirts.  Each class in the grade level will have a different color shirt so that we can come together more as a team.  Our class choose to either have mint green or sapphire blue shirts.  I will keep you posted on what color we end up having. 

Order forms are being sent home either Monday or Tuesday.  Students have until Thursday March 9th to bring back their completed order form and payment.  Please have them place the payment in a white school envelope with the order form stapled to the outside of the envelope.  No late orders will be accepted.  I have attached an order form for your convenience as well.

order form

I would love total participation in this, so if you are having trouble with the finances, please let me know. 

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